I'm such a bėdė.. (tipo poor person
)..This month there are at least 3 birthdays and I dunno what to do.. 02.03 was my mother's birthday.. I gave her just 3 flowers..

so now Kajitoku's and Indra's birthdays are on the way.. that would be ok but Indra invited me to visit her in Alytus.. which would cost me extra 50lt.. this is the half of amount of my savings

I think I'm gonna reach her by an auto-stop.. yeah there's a big chance that I could be raped and killed by a psycho but I can't choose this time..
btw I think I'm never gonna get my lip piercing... damn..

I wish I could poop money...
pfff...mano gimtadienis tikrai ne shi menesi. Taip kad gali nesivargint XD Ir ish vis ash nusprendziau nebesent, vadinas toks dalykas kaip gimtadieniai nebeegzistuoja. Seriously i'm immortal!*plaikstosi su Drakulos apsiaustu* niahahah;)
AtsakytiPanaikintiAsh ir noriu poopint babkem >_>''
Dv hitchhiking iki Indros, tada galesi prasivert lupa, and gives us sexy laizhiakas!!!!
kaip tai ne si menesi? gi 18d XD baik cia apipisinet mane XD
AtsakytiPanaikintiPamirshk mane.
AtsakytiPanaikintiPamirsk mane kaip sapna pamirsti
AtsakytiPanaikintiir sleni ta ir sleni ta kaip musu zingsni leta
ir zibuokles upelio pakrasty..... XDDD