I'm definitely gonna read it again after every decade. My stepfather is reading it at the moment. I hope he'll like it as much as I do.
By the way, I also love the Lithuanian design of this book:

Some quotes:
People have to talk about something just to keep their voice boxes in working order, so they'll have good voice boxes in case there's ever anything really meaningful to say.~
Beware of the man who works hard to learn something, learns it, and finds himself no wiser than before. He is full of murderous resentment of people who are ignorant without having come by their ignorance the hard way.
Now I'm reading Jodi Picoult's "Nineteen Minutes".
In nineteen minutes, you can mow the front lawn, color your hair, watch a third of a hockey game. In nineteen minutes, you can bake scones or get a tooth filled by a dentist; you can fold laundry for a family of five....In nineteen minutes, you can stop the world, or you can just jump off it. In nineteen minutes, you can get revenge.
It's a book based on school shootings in USA. She made up her own story but some of the facts and people were taken from true happenings.
It is so hard to read this book for me. I understand how exactly that kid felt because I've been in the similar situation at school. This book again shows why do I hate most of the people on this planet. People are so egoist, full of themselves, two-faced and cruel.
I know that shooting is not the best way but I can't even condemn him... Because people do not come to this world already evil. They're made evil later, by other people.
I only can read this book at night when my family is sleeping because I just can't hold in my tears.
I'm also very impressed by the author. It's really hard to believe that another person could describe people's inner world so damn well.
When I'm reading Peter's thoughs in that book, I'm like: "that's freaking exactly how I felt!"
By the way, did you notice that usually Americans and Europeans cope with abuse differently? For example, Lithuanians tend to suicides while Americans are more likely to settle things by making others die instead of themselves?
Oh, and my mind is playing tricks on me again. Peter should be freckled guy but I couldn't make this image in my head. Lastly he looks like young aie-san T.T
That's just plain stupid..
Anyways, I recommend all of you this book.

Kokie depresovni skaitiniai =/ O dar kai ruduo =S
AtsakytiPanaikintiCheer up somehow, watch some stupid drama once in a while (like ''You're Beautiful'')
It's hard to be so serious all he time~
P.S. You're second name i ELENA??? SRSLY? @___@
yes it is :D In honour of my ancestress whose name is Elena :)
AtsakytiPanaikintiwoah,everything sounds awesome, I'll surf my libraries here ♥
AtsakytiPanaikintiP.s. Is kur suzinojai,kad Gabriaus fav knyga? ;D jei cia apie Glemza snekam? ;D
aš viską žinau :D