God, why you made me such a light-minded person when it comes to learning????
Yup, can't help it. I'm uber lazy bitch. (lol that's exactly how I'm gonna name this entry :D)
Anou.. I've just read Noru's new entry, but it doesn't allow me to comment there and I dunno why. Maybe it's jus my fucked up pc. I just wanted to ask you if you received my letter and also wish you good luck on those essays. I almost fainted when I read about it.. No shit. I'm too stupid for UK universities because I wouldn't manage to do something like this *goes get a glass of water*
Ah, but I wanted to write something else in this entry.
I officially announce you that from now on my all time favorite k-pop girlband is Brown Eyed Girls. They're like a fresh air to that industry of uber-fake-kawaii-but-actually-mean-chearleader-type of girls. Yes, I was having SNSD in my mind :DD Maybe it's stupid for me to say this, but they should die. Or at least GTFO the stage. I want to puke on their faces. I mean it. But oh damn I should talk about BEG not those bitches :D
So.. why I like them? Because they're so my type of girls! They are nice in person and talented and have good sense in fashion and their songs are really awesome. Without that fake cute acting and goat voices xDD
And I really love their photoshoots. Damn, those girls kick ass!! At least they kick mines :DD These are the ones who I would look up to.
Btw, Ga In reminds me of Kanako (from egg magazine) and Ayase Haruka mix. I mean her face somewhere.. o.o
Yeah, I guess my eyes are just playing tricks on me. No surprise.

I'm sure almost all of you saw this MV hundreds of times but I just wanted to say that viewing this as from stagecraft perspective... I wouldn't say any bad word about this MV. Which, all of you know, is almost impossible because I enjoy criticizing everything xDD So yeah. I'm stunned by those girls.
Even G-Dragon loves them :D (good boy)
Oh and I'm extremely worried about Joon from MBLAQ. First his ankle, now that flu.. I feel so sorry for this guy. I like him so much and watching him suffer is something horrible. I even started crying when I saw in what condition he's leaving the stage after MBLAQ performance. Joon, I love you and I would do anything to heal you. *cry*
I don't even want to imagine how does his ankle look like.. Remember mine last year? From his reaction I think his ankle is even worse.. :((((((
Sorry for this stupid habit to write rarely but very long entries. I suck xD
~*Do you love her? Do you love her? Do you love me? Do you love me?*~ tututuru~~♫♪♩
aww, kaip man gaila Joon, vargsui nesiseka kazko =/
AtsakytiPanaikintizinok man ir neina i Noru bloga parasyt komentaro, gal del naujo layouto...
omfg man kaip patiko tas BEG klipas ir daina xD kokios jos...tokios UCH! va cia man patinka tokios panos =D
AtsakytiPanaikintinu va, kaip džiaugiuos, kad tau patiko. reik kuo daugiau panų užkrėst BEG manija. tada bus su kuom svaigt :D :D
AtsakytiPanaikintijoa, o dėl Joon, tai labai žiauru. dar žiūrėjau video, kur jie interviu davė, tai Joon neišlaikė ir išėjo, nes nu omg, jo būklė apverktina. jis taip serga :( o dar jo kojytė... :(( taip ir noris nuvaryt į Korėją, išrašyt velnių Rainiui ir pačiūčiuot Joon'ą xD
ahaaaa, bet kaip vargsas turi aukotis T.T skauda sirdi del jo...
AtsakytiPanaikintiyeop, manau reik pradet skleist beg propaganda yputubej, veliau dar i savo bloga reiks imest muahaha xD