Ugh.. So little time, so many things to do! T.T I'm so doomed xD
I guess I'll just get up very early in the morning and finish everything.
I must exchange my money to pounds; throw away all the junk from my room (it'll take me lots of time coz there's so many bags all around me right now :D); buy cigarettes; buy yarrow for Kajitoku (wtf I don't even know how it looks like xD); write my CV; and write down some bookmarks from this PC on paper.. by hand.. -.- oh gosh.. I'm so sleepy right now. It's so hard to write something with at least a bit of sense xD
By the way, this pic of mine is so damn creepy, but that's why I love it. It was taken by ReFaN on a New Year's Eve, when there was that moon eclipse. Well, you know what I'm talking about.. do you? xD I was sitting in the middle of the yard on that chair, in front of the dark forest and... drinking tea xD All alone when girls were in the house. It wasn't scary but very.. kind of mystical :D I will never forget it coz I don't do such things everyday xD
This one looks like a Christmas card~~ *-*
White-assed bitches seen through the window xD
This reminds me of "Lord of The Rings" xD Little hobbits going to the cemetery.
I just had to write something before I leave. It is still strange that this is my last night sleeping in my room.
From tomorrow, my life's never gonna be the same~
I like it, though it scares the crap out of me xD
Tikiuos, kad viskas bus gerai =)
AtsakytiPanaikintiSame. Tikiuos,kad skrydis raejo gerai ir nauji namai patiks!!!!!!
AtsakytiPanaikintiO naujas gyvenimas...Bent esi ne viena tenai, ivertinsi ka tai reiskia!~♥♥♥Laikykites!~